Rules for the realization of Web pages
During the realization of your pages, we recommend you to keep strictly
to these rules:
The images have to be in .gif format (possibly interlaced) or .jpg
and must have these suffixs.
In case you want to show photos of dimensions higher than 40 K, it's advisable
to insert in html page a smaller version of the same photo (5/10 k), with
a link that send directly to the bigger one.
The name of all files have to be always in lower-case. For instance:
imagine.gif, imagine.jpg, index.htm. Remember to indicate in lower-case
the references to files contained in the tags A HREF e IMG SRC: Unix
(on the contrary of DOS or MAC) is case sensitive, so "file.htm" it's different
from "FILE.HTM".
The references to files in the tags A HREF e IMG SRC have to point to the
current directory (local file). For instance: IMG SRC="imagine.gif" and
not IMG SRC="C:/html/imagine.gif".
On the bottom of your column, that will always have to call namecolumn.htm,
have to be reported the date of the last update, the name and surname of
the author and his e-mail address.
We recommend to test carefully the correct working in local of all links
contained in your pages.
To send us your pages, it's important to assemble all the material in a
one directory, possibly compressed with pkzip, and send it by ftp to this
To contact the ftp server it's necessary to connect as "anonymous",
indicating as password your own E-mail address. In alternative, it's possible
to send the material, combined in a single file, as attachment of e-mail
and in a compressed format to this address
Don't forget to include a short description of your column in txt
Your pages will become visible as soon as possible. The address that we
advise to spread is,
instead of that specific of your column, this to warrant the greatest diffusion
to all sharers in "Adopt a column".
And in conclusion, don't forget to mantein your pages "alive", by
constant revisions.
For further informations, don't hesitate to contact us to this