Telefonia via Internet

Phone calls via Internet are now the last fashion in the communication field. It makes a sure impression to make a trans-ocean call  listening to the voice a little uncertain of a friend from the other part of the world, and to realize that all this coasts little more than a city telephone call.

Among the telephone programs now in commerce shows up Net2Phone which makes it possible to place domestic and international calls from a PC to any telephone in the world. Developed by IDT Corporation, a global innovator of                    telecommunications and Internet services, Net2Phone is by far the most advanced telecommunications application harnessing the global power of the Internet.

Net2Phone running

Net2Phone enables any Internet user with a sound-equipped PC to initiate calls from a computer and transmit them over the Internet to Net2Phone's telephone switches. These switches automatically relay the call to its final destination -- any telephone. The result is real time, uninterrupted, full duplex voice communication between two parties.

Net2Phone advantages

Net2Phone dramatically reduces telephone bills by up to 95% off of the cost of traditional long distance calls.
Because the call is carried over the Internet until it reaches Net2Phone's phone switches, rates are not dependent upon the country of origin. This means that users pay as little as 10 cents a minute for calls to the United States and 14 cents a minute for calls to Italy-- from anywhere in the world.
For a detailed list of  rates we suggest to see this page.
Calling with Net2Phone, any phone can be reached via a PC. Users are no longer limited to PC-to-PC technology which requires both users to have access to multimedia PCs. Therefore, both parties do not need to be online at the time of the call either by coincidence or pre-arrangement. Only the caller needs a PC with an Internet connection. The caller can use any ISP  (including IDT) to reach any party. Moreover, unlike other PC-to-Phone technology, Net2Phone does not require the purchase of any servers at the phone location. Our only charge is for the call itself.
It'spossible to download a free version of Net2Phone to this address.

Between the other programs of telephony via Internet we cite Internet Phone of Vocaltec Communications that allows to execute connections between PC and PC to the cost of the connection to Internet, and in the last version, allows also to           carry out calls on a normal telephone apparatus.

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Last update: 7/01/99

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