Here the love lies. | Leaves. |
Here the love lies....Here at sight let me embrace you,
there you see I'll never really ever
want a new.
holding the love at heart,
there my love for you will never fall
reaching for the heart of gold,
there,my love was sold.
There at the night,
seeing love made in the might.
laughter all threw the world,
there the love cureled.
bring the sound aloud, there the fear
among a croud.
to this life of love,
at christmas a flying dove.By Emily Abell
Leaves wilting and falling from the cold,
there heart's are filled with gold.
Love weaving away,
love sworn each day.
the light that shines in the morning,
the heart's that hurt without a warning.
stair within our soul's.
as love burn's like broken coal's.
lie aside the love that's there,
and show the people you love you really
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